• Submission fees apply to everyone EXCEPT current subscribers to The Main Street Rag
  • Report time: 3-16 weeks (depending on genre and how busy we are).
  • Simultaneous submissions permitted as long as the author informs us immediately (through Submittable) when a piece has been accepted elsewhere.
  • Previously Published material: NO (unless solicited by magazine editor).
  • Author’s name and physical address must appear somewhere on submitted work, preferably on page or a cover letter. 
  • New Submissions. Once an author’s work is accepted for publication, please wait until after it has been published before submitting new work.
  • Submission period: We usually read year-round for the literary magazine; however, with Submittable as a processor, reading periods for individual genres may vary and will be opened and closed at point of submission as necessary. We only do this when we are severely backlogged so authors don't have to wait overly long for their work to be published. If a header for a specific genre does not appear on our Submittable page, we are backlogged more than one year in that genre and will not be considering again until we catch up.

They require I put something in the guidelines field. Since this is so writers can subscribe using Submittable, there are only a few guidelines:

1) There is no form to fill ADDRESS through Submittable, so be sure to include it in your cover letter.

2) Let us know whether you want to start with the current issue or the next issue based on the following publication dates:

Winter: January 15,  Spring: April 15,  Summer: July 15,  Fall: October 15

3) DO NOT attach a submission to your subscription purchase. Submissions need to be done separately if you want your work to be considered. 

  • Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address must appear on submitted work. We will not read a submission without both nor will we refund reading fee. 
  • New guidelines for book submissions: https://mainstreetrag.com/publishing-options/

  • Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address must appear on submitted work. We will not read a submission without both nor will we refund reading fee. 
  • New guidelines for book submissions: https://mainstreetrag.com/publishing-options/




We will consider just about any topic; however, we prefer social or political themes and are not really interested in How to, process pieces or literary pieces about the life of a literarian.   

Length: up to 6000 words in a single WORD, RTF or PDF file. Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address MUST APPEAR on submitted work and in cover letter. We will not read a submission without both.  

Simultaneous submissions are permitted as long as we are informed immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept the work, we expect it to be withdraw from consideration elsewhere.   No previously published (that includes online posting).   

No previously published (that includes online posting).  

Report time 2-3 months.

Open for submissions, but will be taking a hiatus from submissions effective May 1, 2023. We will be reading again in October, 2023. (We have more backlog right now than we would like.)


We will consider just about any topic; however, we prefer social or political themes and are not really interested in How to, process pieces or literary pieces about the life of a literarian.  

Length: up to 6000 words in a single WORD, RTF or PDF file. Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address MUST APPEAR on submitted work and in cover letter. We will not read a submission without both.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted as long as we are informed immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept the work, we expect it to be withdraw from consideration elsewhere.

No previously published (that includes online posting).

Report time 2-3 months.

Open for submissions, but will be taking a hiatus from submissions effective May 1, 2023. We will be reading again in October, 2023. (We have more backlog right now than we would like.)


Length: up to 6000 words in a single WORD, RTF or PDF file. Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address MUST APPEAR on submitted work and in cover letter. We will not read a submission without both.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted as long as we are informed immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept the work, we expect it to be withdraw from consideration elsewhere.

No previously published (that includes online posting).

Report time 2-3 months. 

Open for submissions, but will be taking a short hiatus from submissions effective May 1, 2023. We will be reading again in October, 2023. (We have more backlog right now than we would like.)

Send 3-5 poems of any length, but no more than 6 total pages of poetry together in a single WORD, RTF or PDF file. Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address must appear on submitted work. We will not read a submission without both.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted as long as we are informed immediately of acceptance elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept the work, we expect it to be withdraw from consideration elsewhere.

No previously published (that includes online posting and translations).

Report time 3-12 weeks.


Send 3-5 poems of any length, but no more than 6 total pages of poetry together in a single WORD, RTF or PDF file. Author’s Name and PHYSICAL address must appear on submitted work. We will not read a submission without both.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted as long as we are informed immediately of acceptance elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept the work, we expect it to be withdraw from consideration elsewhere.

No previously published (that includes online posting and translations).

Report time 3-12 weeks.

Interviews are usually arranged with the managing editor ahead of time rather than submitted by freelance, but for those interested in shopping these, guidelines are below. Prior to sending interview, send query to: editor@mainstreetrag.com. Please note, we are not interested in promotional material disguised as interview. 

  • Prefer interviews with those in the arts—mostly literary—but visual and performing arts will also be considered. 
  •  Length: 2000-2500 words 
  • If it’s not someone with whom we are familiar, we’ll need to see a sample of their work. For example: a copy of a recent book, a website with their artwork. 
  • We will want to run a small sampling of their work in addition to the interview itself. This does not need to be included in the submission. 
  • A subject bio and headshot will eventually be needed. If the subject is a visual artist, we'll also want some pictures of their work. 
  • Author's name and PHYSICAL address must appear on submitted work. We will not read a submission without both.

The Main Street Rag